Saturday 30 October 2010

Past week...3 weeks out...

Video for squat and bench day:

Deadlift video in next few days...

Monday  25/10/10

Weight     Reps    Sets
60kg          5          2
100kg        3          1
140kg        1          1
180kg        1          1   -  added belt and shoes
210kg        2          2   -  added wraps

stopped here, squats were good, but couldn't be bothered to do the light exercises following this (ie leg ext etc)

Might include a drop set of 5 reps or so without wraps after top sets, next week.

Wednesday  27/10/10

Bench Press - wide grip until stated
Weight     Reps    Sets
60kg          5          1
80kg          3          1
100kg        3          1
120kg        1          1
140kg        1          1  - pb for wide grip (I think)
145kg        x          1  - got half way up
changed to medium grip (pinkies on rings)
145kg        x          1  - feel I would have got this had I not wasted energy on last wide grip set

Worksets (all medium grip)
140kg       1           1  - went up so well thought I had a chance with 145kg again
145kg       x           1  - will work on lockout next week, 4 boards or something like that
140kg       1           1
140kg       1           1

Hard session, no increase in max, but feel a lot stronger as able to press 140kg 4 times in session.

Friday  29/10/10   -  Deadlift Day

1) Power-Cleans
Weight     Reps    Sets
60kg          5          1
70kg          4          1
80kg          3          1
90kg          2          1   - one PC and one High Pull (to chest)
100kg        1          1   - Highpull

will prob reduce this stopping at 80kg for next weeks training, felt it took too much.

2) Rack Deadlifts #3 hole (3-4" below knees at sticking point)
Weight     Reps    Sets
60kg           1         1
100kg         1         1
140kg         1         1
180kg         1         1 -added belt, back feels a bit off
220kg         1         1
270kg         3         1   - hard, not impossible

3) Deadlift pull from floor
the last exercise, took alot out of me, rested 5 mins or so.

Weight     Reps    Sets
250kg        1          1    - New gym pull max, never pulled more than 240kg at the gym before, could never get 250 past knees.

4) Decline situps with plate behind head
Weight     Reps    Sets
15kg          9          1

Good session but very hard. New pb even though completely spent after the rack pulls.

Videos will follow.

Friday 22 October 2010

***kin' yes, deadlifts are getting stronger...

Felt very strong today, even though had v.little sleep and drank a bit too much last night.

Friday 22/10/10:

1) Warm up, power-clean -> high pulls
Weight      Reps       Sets
60kg           5             1  - with press overhead at end
70kg           4             1  - with press overhead at end
80kg           3             1  - with press overhead at end  
90kg           2             1   - not racked on chest
100kg         1             1   - not racked on chest

2) Rack Deadlift #3rd Hole up (3-4" below knees)

Worked up the workset using singles.

Weight      Reps       Sets
260kg         4             1  

hard but felt far stronger than last weeks 250kg

3) Deadlift from floor

Weight      Reps       Sets
240kg         1             2  

felt okay.

Weeks training video will be posted sometime in the next couple of days.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

This week so far......

Just finished wednesday's bench trainin, worked a wider grip than last week...

Monday 18/10/10 -

1) SQUAT - 2x3

Weight      Reps      Sets
60kg           5-6         2
100kg         3            1
140kg         1            1   
180kg         1            1    added belt and shoes
205kg         3            2   added wraps (both knee and wrist) 

top sets form was a little off, still not too hard.

2) Leg ext 2x10-12
Weight      Reps      Sets
75lbs          12          1
105lbs        12          1

3) 1-leg curl 2x10-12
Weight      Reps      Sets
15lbs          12          1 both legs
25lbs           9           1 both legs

4) seated calf raises
Weight      Reps      Sets
140kg         20         1   - unable to add more weight to the machine I'm using.

Wednesday 20/10/10 -

1) Bench - Wide comp grip

Weight      Reps      Sets
60kg           5            1
80kg           3            1
100kg         3            1
120kg         1            1
135kg         1            6 - added wrist wraps for these sets
140kg         0            3 - tried medium grip on last attempt.

Felt I needed a bit more work

2) Close-grip Bench
Weight      Reps      Sets
120kg         4            1

Very hard session, will see if I'm stronger next week as I will max out before work sets.

~Ja na

Saturday 16 October 2010

Deadlifts....just deadlifts baby...

Friday: 15/10/10

1) Warmup Deadlift from floor:
Weight        Reps        Sets
60kg             5              1
100kg           3              1
140kg           1              1
180kg           1              1
220kg           1              1  - felt the weight a bit, so stopped warmup here

looking at the video, I think my form needs a tune up.

2) Rack Deadlifts #3 hole (~3-4" below knees, at sticking point, also where the back does most of the work)
Weight        Reps        Sets
100kg           1              1
140kg           1              1
180kg           1              1
220kg           1              1
250kg           5              1

The reps were more rest-pause method.

3) Deadlifts from floor
Weight        Reps        Sets
230kg           1              2    Conventional style, form is still off, but felt easier than the 220kg warmup
230kg           1              1    Sumo style, prob would have been strong, but thumb hit right knee on way up, owing to using a hook grip.

4) Pullups/Chins
Weight        Reps        Sets
Bw                3             1     Pullups
Bw                4             1     Chins

5) Decline Situps
Weight        Reps        Sets
10kg             10            1

Will prob reduce this slightly, either stick to singles off floor, or do power cleans for warmup followed by racks.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Bench day...hooray...f**k

Wednesday 13/10/10:

Bench Press:
Weight         Reps        Sets
60kg              5              1
80kg              3              1
100kg            3              1
120kg            1              1

135kg            1              5 (Paused, added wrist wraps here)
rested approx. 5 mins between sets.
then raised weight for a very hard touch'n'go single.
140kg            1              1


Hard workout, might need to start including some pre/rehab work for shoulders...such as stretching.

FYI - inside hip muscles still very sore from Mondays workout.

Monday 11 October 2010

On second thoughts...

..and perhaps third...

I have noticed that ever since adding deadlifts to my squat day, my lower and mid back have been giving me problems. Therefore I will return to:

Squat 1-2 worksets
some assistance work - leg ext, curls, calf work

Bench press

Deadlift  Multiple sets of singles.
assistance exercises- abs, etc

I found when I was doing this my squat pushed my dead strength up, and my deadlifting pushed my squat up...

11/10/10 Monday:

Weight       Reps      Sets
60kg            5            1        
100kg          3            1
140kg          1            1
180kg          1            1  belt and shoes added
200kg          3            2  with belt, knee wraps, shoes

Very tough, but I focused on "opening the crotch" to try and hit depth, mainly on the last warmup and worksets.  This helped alot to reach depth, but really stretched the inner thigh/hip.

Last rep of last set, knee wrap on right leg decided to unwind itself...still finished the rep, no problem.

Will post the video of this workout later on in week...

Post workout fud:

Just after: pt of whole milk

~30min-1hr later
Fish'n'pie'n'battered sausage'n'chips + 3 cans fizz drinks + pnt whole milk
est. cal = +2000kcal

Friday 8 October 2010

Decided to ditch the Deadlift day

Still recovering from Monday and Wednesday workout,

Weight        Reps        Sets
60kg             10            1    - felt ache at right side of lower back/hip (old injury)
100kg            3             1    - good form, fast, but felt too heavy for what is was.
140kg            3             1    - felt off, fast, but felt far too heavy.

So will prob cut my training to just:

Day 1:
1) Squat: 1-2 worksets
2) Rack dl: 1x5-3reps
3) Single from floor (possibly more than one single)

Day 2:
1) Bench:

Day 3: optional
Chins and other accessory exercises (abs, calves, neck etc)
or some sort of DE day.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Jeff Maddys Bench Routine

Originally found lurking half way down the page :

Hope you find this informative...
His interview can be found here

New PB on Bench!

New Bench PB: 142.5kg

(touch and go)

Video =

Decided to go a different route with my bench yesterday.

There's an old school bench program written by Jeff Maddy (drug free), where he outlines a two month routine that focuses solely on singles only, (not inc. warmups). 
The logic is that it will be more specific to competition than repping out.

And get assistance exercises at all! Never saw the point of them anyway, other than to increase blood flow to area. I mean you've just worked the muscles used in the lift to full (or near) extertion, and then you force yourself to continue with additional work...overkill.  Well, in my case, I think this is possibly true.

And without further adue, find below my training: (video posted later....maybe).

Wednesday 06/10/10

Bench press (medium grip):
Weight       Reps        Sets
 80kg             3              1
100kg            3              1
120kg            1              1
130kg            1              1
135kg            1              1
140kg            1              1
142.5kg         1              1
drop sets
130kg            1              3

and thats it.
no wasted effort.

I will try and post the article once I find it.

Until then ..stay tuned..

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Morning after

 Also heres a link to my old blog

05/10/10 Tuesday

thought my back would be sore today, but I think the conditioning with high reps in the dead have paid off.

Been thinking about my routine, and I will do the above squat, rack pull, dead single on Monday, and continue to pull on either Thursday or Friday, just doing singles at a set weight and number of them. with some additional back work.

and on Wednesday I will add some shoulder presses after benches.

1) Squat  1-2 work sets
2) Rack pulls 1 top set between 3-5reps
3) Deadlift off floor 1 set 1 rep
4) Optional: calf work/abs

1) Bench 1-2 work sets
2) CG 1-2 work sets
3) Curls 1-2 work sets
4) MP 1-2 work sets

1) optional: Squats: light 5 reps up to mod weight, 7-8 RPE
2) Deadlift singles only starting at lower weight with 10-15 sets or so and
reducing sets and increasing weigh.

mainly to work on form and I enjoy training the deadlift.
but will drop this if recovery is threatened for Mondays training

3) Chinups
4) Abs

Optional Light bench,
and/or long walk with dog

Dead advice from DC

Saturday 2/10/10

Helped my friend Sam at the Doncaster open meet today, will upload the meet video on my youtube account.
Totalled: 537.5kg Raw
Squat: 200kg
Bench: 107.5kg (needs to bring grip in more)
Dead: 230kg (form has greatly improved from his last comp)

Spoke to David Carter, excellent deadlifter 330kg in 90kilo class, about whether pulling 300kg at this comp coming up is possible for me, and the response was in the affirmative, contrary to what Ben and Tom have stated.
I then questioned him on how he trains for the deadlift, which I will outline below in bullet points:
1) Train deadlift on heavy squat day- simulates meet.
2) Rack/block pull from point where the back takes over in the lift, roughly mid-shins for conventional lifter. These are done for 3-5 reps. This helps take the legs out of the lift to focus on the back more.
- Here's a vid of DC doing just that:
David Carter - 240kg x 5 block deadlift
3) Follow the rack pulls with a heavy single from the floor.
4) Grip bar as narrow as possible, reduces distance to pull.
5) Look up from start of lift. Not wrench head up, but look up (i.e. with eyeballs)
6) Only pull singles from floor.
7) Cycle weights up to comp, i.e. linear periodisation

8) Stop heavy dead's 2 weeks away from comp, instead last training week do some speed deads, very light, after squats.
There was probably more but either I can’t remember it or I miss heard it (being deaf in right ear, I have a lot of trouble with background noise)

I then asked what sort of weight should I aim for on the rack and subsequent pull from the floor, if I wish to get 300kg?

Two weeks before the comp aim to hit 280kg for 3 reps in the rack, followed by 260kg for a single afterwards. This will be all done after squatting.

Monday 01/11/10:

1) Squat:
215kg x 3 reps x 1-2 sets

2) Rack pulls mid-shins (from dead stop)
280kg x 3 rep (definitely possible, managed a single with this weight before my last comp, although did it the week before the meet...far too close)

rest 5-10 mins then

3) Deadlift off floor
260kg x 1 rep
Thank you Dave Carter.

I will use this method on my squat day (monday), and if upto it do some moderately heavy singles from the floor on either thursday or friday, followed by some upper back work.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Video posts of my recent training

Week 3 -
Monday 27/09/10 :-
190kg x 5reps x 2sets
belt, knee and wrist wraps only (also shoes)

Wednesday 29/09/10: (not on video)
Bench (med grip)
120kg x 5reps x 2sets
wrist wraps only
CG bp
100kg x8-7x2

Friday 01/10/10:
230kg x 5reps one set
just a belt

Week 4 04/10/10: Monday only
1) Squat 2x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
140 kg             1                      1          no belt
160 kg             1                      1          added belt      
195 kg             5                      2          added belt, shoes, and knee wraps

2) leg extensions 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
41 kg               12                    2

decided could not be bothered with farting about with isolation exercises, so decided to instigate DCarters training method

3) Rack Pulls #3 hole (mid shins)
Weight            Reps                Sets
240 kg             5                      1          added belt and chalk on this set only
de-weighted after each rep.
kept eyes up at start of each lift, really helped, stopped me from letting the bar drift out as well as causing the lower back to arch properly.
4) Deadlift off floor
Weight            Reps                Sets
220  kg            1                      1          very, very easy, hardly felt it 

oh and if your reading this Tom, that £50 is mine….mwhahahahaa…

Can already see the merit of this type of workout, thanks to Dave Carter for the advice

recap of past training

I’ve decided to start this blog to document my training up to the BUCS (British University and Colleges) at Oxford University.

This will follow on the Sheiko Experiment blog, I will update every week or so, with video footage.

I decided to alter my training week to resemble more of the old school method of training, to wit:

Mon: Squat and assistance
Wed: Bench and assistance
Thur/Fri: Dead and assistance
Sat: Light bench (optional)

Following the old method of linear periodisation starting at higher reps with an inverse percentage of max.

But as I am focusing on the deadlift the majority of any alterations to my routine will be on it.

Week 1: 12/09/10 Sunday
Decided to try 531 style of programming.

1) Overhead Press
Weight            Reps                Sets
55kg                5                      1
62.5kg             5                      1
70kg                5                      1

Monday 13/9/10
Brought in stance.

1) Deadlift
Weight            Reps                Sets
160                  5                      1
185                  5                      1
210                  8                      1

2) Deadlift 50-60%
Weight            Reps                Sets
140                  10                    2
120                  10                    1
Exertion headache occurred from this high rep drop sets

3) Decline situps
bodyweight only 2x10

Wednesday 15/09/10

1) Bench Press (close grip)
Weight            Reps                Sets
90 kg               5                      1
100 kg             5                      1
115 kg             6                      1

2) BP 50-60%
Weight            Reps                Sets
80 kg               10                    2
75 kg               10                    2
70 kg               10                    1
3) One arm db rows
Weight            Reps                Sets
20 kg               10                    1
right arm
40 kg               16                    1
left arm
40 kg               20                    1

very sore from Monday’s workout, I think the drop sets are overkill

Friday 17/09/10

Starting Ed Coan style of programming/routine

As knees still sting from the “Sheiko Experiment”, so will do deadlift today

1) Deadlift 1-2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
210kg              8                      1         
all reps done with overhand hook grip.

2) Stiff-leg deadlift (SLDL) standing on a plate 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
100                  8                      1

will use straps for this exercise in future.

3) BB Row standing on plate 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
60                    10                    1
80                    8                      1

4) Pulldowns 2x8-10
5) 1-arm row 1x10-12 each hand
used empty bar

Saturday 18/09/10

Light Bench
1) Wide Grip BP (paused)
Weight            Reps                Sets
75kg                10                    2

2) Triceps pushdowns 3x8-10

3) Dips (pause) 1x15
bw X 6

4) BB Curls (strict) 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
40 kg               10                    1
50 kg               8                      1         

5) Decline Situps/crunches plate behind head
10kg x 8 reps

Week 2:
Monday 20/09/10

1) Squat 1-2x5 reps
Weight            Reps                Sets
185 kg             0                      1          couldn’t stand up, unsure why, dropped bar
185 kg             2                      1          knees hurt so much had to drop bar on 3rd rep

reloaded bar, will use knee wraps
185 kg             5                      1          ha no knee pain!
185 kg             5                      1

I think the TK knee bands are causing bad patella tracking, or something, but I will stop using them for a bit to see if that helps.

I think a whole 14 days without heavy squats have screwed up my technique.

2) One legged Squat 2-3x10-12

3) leg extensions 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
23 kg               12                    1
34 kg               12                    1

4) 1-leg curl 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
11 kg               12                    2 (one each leg)
11 kg               8                      2 (one each leg)
5) Seated calf raises
Weight            Reps                Sets
34 kg               12                    1
45.5 kg            40                    1          far too easy

Wednesday 21/09/10

1) Bench Press (medium grip) 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
110 kg             8                      2

2) Close Grip Bench (index fingers on shiny bit) (paused) 2x8 (no warm-ups)
Weight            Reps                Sets
85 kg               8                      2

3) Inclines (medium grip, paused) 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
60 kg               8                      2

Quick and intense lifting
This is far more enjoyable than that of the sheiko routine.

Thursday 22/09/10

1) Press behind neck (PBN) standing 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
60 kg               8                      1

2) Plate Raises 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
20 kg               12                    1
15 kg               10                    1

3) Lateral raises 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
5 kg x2            12                    2         

Friday 24/09/10

1) Deadlift off floor
Weight            Reps                Sets
220 kg             8                      1                                             

all reps done with overhand hook grip.

2) SLDL standing on a plate with straps 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
120                  10                    1

3) BB Row standing on plate 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
100                  9                      1
80                    8                      1

4) Pulldowns 2x8-10
slightly more weight than last week

5) Rear delt raises 1x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
10kg x2           12                    1

great workout, deadlift is getting a lot stronger.

Saturday 25/09/10

Light bench
…cant be bothered to write this as its very dull, same as last week, added some neck work though at the end.

Week 3:
Monday 27/09/10

no knee sleeves today, but knee wraps on top sets

1) Squat 2x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
140 kg             1                      1          no belt
160 kg             1                      1          added belt      
190 kg             5                      2          added belt, shoes, and knee wraps

2) One legged Squat 2-3x10-12

3) leg extensions 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
36 kg               12                    2

4) 1-leg curl 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
11 kg               12                    2 (one each leg)
7 kg                 12                    2 (one each leg)
5) Seated calf raises
Weight            Reps                Sets
86 kg               20                    1
117 kg             12-20               1   lost count…got bored       

Wednesday 29/09/10

1) Bench Press (medium grip) 2x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
120 kg             5                      2

2) Close Grip 2x5 (paused, index on shiny bit)
Weight            Reps                Sets
100 kg             8                      1
100 kg             7                      1

3) BB Curls
Weight            Reps                Sets
40 kg               9                      1
40 kg               5                      1

Friday 01/10/10

1) Deadlift hook grip 1x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
180 kg             1                      1          no belt
230 kg             5                      1          with belt

tried gorilla style sumo with warm-up sets.
don’t think this style works that well for me.

2) SLDL off plates with straps 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
130 kg             10                    1

3) BB Rows 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
110 kg             2                      1
100 kg             4                      1         
gave up here, ran out of steam.