Friday 8 October 2010

Decided to ditch the Deadlift day

Still recovering from Monday and Wednesday workout,

Weight        Reps        Sets
60kg             10            1    - felt ache at right side of lower back/hip (old injury)
100kg            3             1    - good form, fast, but felt too heavy for what is was.
140kg            3             1    - felt off, fast, but felt far too heavy.

So will prob cut my training to just:

Day 1:
1) Squat: 1-2 worksets
2) Rack dl: 1x5-3reps
3) Single from floor (possibly more than one single)

Day 2:
1) Bench:

Day 3: optional
Chins and other accessory exercises (abs, calves, neck etc)
or some sort of DE day.

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