Tuesday 5 October 2010

recap of past training

I’ve decided to start this blog to document my training up to the BUCS (British University and Colleges) at Oxford University.

This will follow on the Sheiko Experiment blog, I will update every week or so, with video footage.

I decided to alter my training week to resemble more of the old school method of training, to wit:

Mon: Squat and assistance
Wed: Bench and assistance
Thur/Fri: Dead and assistance
Sat: Light bench (optional)

Following the old method of linear periodisation starting at higher reps with an inverse percentage of max.

But as I am focusing on the deadlift the majority of any alterations to my routine will be on it.

Week 1: 12/09/10 Sunday
Decided to try 531 style of programming.

1) Overhead Press
Weight            Reps                Sets
55kg                5                      1
62.5kg             5                      1
70kg                5                      1

Monday 13/9/10
Brought in stance.

1) Deadlift
Weight            Reps                Sets
160                  5                      1
185                  5                      1
210                  8                      1

2) Deadlift 50-60%
Weight            Reps                Sets
140                  10                    2
120                  10                    1
Exertion headache occurred from this high rep drop sets

3) Decline situps
bodyweight only 2x10

Wednesday 15/09/10

1) Bench Press (close grip)
Weight            Reps                Sets
90 kg               5                      1
100 kg             5                      1
115 kg             6                      1

2) BP 50-60%
Weight            Reps                Sets
80 kg               10                    2
75 kg               10                    2
70 kg               10                    1
3) One arm db rows
Weight            Reps                Sets
20 kg               10                    1
right arm
40 kg               16                    1
left arm
40 kg               20                    1

very sore from Monday’s workout, I think the drop sets are overkill

Friday 17/09/10

Starting Ed Coan style of programming/routine

As knees still sting from the “Sheiko Experiment”, so will do deadlift today

1) Deadlift 1-2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
210kg              8                      1         
all reps done with overhand hook grip.

2) Stiff-leg deadlift (SLDL) standing on a plate 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
100                  8                      1

will use straps for this exercise in future.

3) BB Row standing on plate 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
60                    10                    1
80                    8                      1

4) Pulldowns 2x8-10
5) 1-arm row 1x10-12 each hand
used empty bar

Saturday 18/09/10

Light Bench
1) Wide Grip BP (paused)
Weight            Reps                Sets
75kg                10                    2

2) Triceps pushdowns 3x8-10

3) Dips (pause) 1x15
bw X 6

4) BB Curls (strict) 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
40 kg               10                    1
50 kg               8                      1         

5) Decline Situps/crunches plate behind head
10kg x 8 reps

Week 2:
Monday 20/09/10

1) Squat 1-2x5 reps
Weight            Reps                Sets
185 kg             0                      1          couldn’t stand up, unsure why, dropped bar
185 kg             2                      1          knees hurt so much had to drop bar on 3rd rep

reloaded bar, will use knee wraps
185 kg             5                      1          ha no knee pain!
185 kg             5                      1

I think the TK knee bands are causing bad patella tracking, or something, but I will stop using them for a bit to see if that helps.

I think a whole 14 days without heavy squats have screwed up my technique.

2) One legged Squat 2-3x10-12

3) leg extensions 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
23 kg               12                    1
34 kg               12                    1

4) 1-leg curl 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
11 kg               12                    2 (one each leg)
11 kg               8                      2 (one each leg)
5) Seated calf raises
Weight            Reps                Sets
34 kg               12                    1
45.5 kg            40                    1          far too easy

Wednesday 21/09/10

1) Bench Press (medium grip) 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
110 kg             8                      2

2) Close Grip Bench (index fingers on shiny bit) (paused) 2x8 (no warm-ups)
Weight            Reps                Sets
85 kg               8                      2

3) Inclines (medium grip, paused) 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
60 kg               8                      2

Quick and intense lifting
This is far more enjoyable than that of the sheiko routine.

Thursday 22/09/10

1) Press behind neck (PBN) standing 2x8
Weight            Reps                Sets
60 kg               8                      1

2) Plate Raises 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
20 kg               12                    1
15 kg               10                    1

3) Lateral raises 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
5 kg x2            12                    2         

Friday 24/09/10

1) Deadlift off floor
Weight            Reps                Sets
220 kg             8                      1                                             

all reps done with overhand hook grip.

2) SLDL standing on a plate with straps 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
120                  10                    1

3) BB Row standing on plate 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
100                  9                      1
80                    8                      1

4) Pulldowns 2x8-10
slightly more weight than last week

5) Rear delt raises 1x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
10kg x2           12                    1

great workout, deadlift is getting a lot stronger.

Saturday 25/09/10

Light bench
…cant be bothered to write this as its very dull, same as last week, added some neck work though at the end.

Week 3:
Monday 27/09/10

no knee sleeves today, but knee wraps on top sets

1) Squat 2x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
140 kg             1                      1          no belt
160 kg             1                      1          added belt      
190 kg             5                      2          added belt, shoes, and knee wraps

2) One legged Squat 2-3x10-12

3) leg extensions 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
36 kg               12                    2

4) 1-leg curl 2x10-12
Weight            Reps                Sets
11 kg               12                    2 (one each leg)
7 kg                 12                    2 (one each leg)
5) Seated calf raises
Weight            Reps                Sets
86 kg               20                    1
117 kg             12-20               1   lost count…got bored       

Wednesday 29/09/10

1) Bench Press (medium grip) 2x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
120 kg             5                      2

2) Close Grip 2x5 (paused, index on shiny bit)
Weight            Reps                Sets
100 kg             8                      1
100 kg             7                      1

3) BB Curls
Weight            Reps                Sets
40 kg               9                      1
40 kg               5                      1

Friday 01/10/10

1) Deadlift hook grip 1x5
Weight            Reps                Sets
180 kg             1                      1          no belt
230 kg             5                      1          with belt

tried gorilla style sumo with warm-up sets.
don’t think this style works that well for me.

2) SLDL off plates with straps 1x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
130 kg             10                    1

3) BB Rows 2x8-10
Weight            Reps                Sets
110 kg             2                      1
100 kg             4                      1         
gave up here, ran out of steam.


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