Saturday 1 January 2011

01/01/11 - First session of the new year.

Saturday: 01/01/11 -
Did both ME without any psych up at all.

1) Wide Stance Squat (about a foot wider than comp)
Started with bar and added 20kg each set:     Top Set:  180kg x 1

2) Conventional Deadlift
240kg for single (done with no psych up- so prob good for a 260kg or more in comp)

3) Good Morning
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           10        1
40kg         10        1
60kg         10        1

5) Side bends 20kg plate held in fingers, 3x10 each side

6) declined Situps
Weight    Reps    Sets
BW          10       1
5kg           10       1
10kg         8         1

despite coughing my guts up between every set, and the loss in strength I feel like this was a very good session.
Will add conditioning once can breath without coughing up a lung.

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