Monday 3 January 2011

03/01/11 - Monday ME Lower body

Decided to use the standard template to organise my training, even though I was still very sore from Saturday's ME workout.  Was in two minds whether to just do the assistance exercises, but then I thought f**k it I'll rack pull.

ME Lower - 03/01/11

1) Rack Pulls (just below knees)
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar          10+       1
60kg         5          1
100kg       3          1
140kg       3          1
180kg       1          1 - added wrist straps, as thumbs are still sore from Sats deads
220kg       1          1 - added belt
240kg       1          1
260kg       1          1 - Max - checked calc. and realised needed to do one more rep in the 90%+ range
240kg       1          1

2) Bulgarian Split Squat 2-3x10 (each leg)
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar          10         2

3) GM 3x10
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar          10         1
60kg        10         1
80kg        10         1

4) CoC Grippers
Alt each set with situps
Weight    Reps    Sets
#1             11        2(ie each hand)
#1               8        2
#1               8        2
#1              12       1 (right hand)
#1              14       1 (left hand)
5) Weighted Decline Situps supersetted with grippers
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bw           10        1
2.5kg       10         1
5kg          10         1
10kg        10         1

Conditioning - Walk dog for 20mins

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