Wednesday 26 January 2011

26/01/11 - Hell on earth 2011...Smolov Base Meso Week 1

F**kin' Hell...thats about sums up this squat session, 1 set hard, 2nd set easy, 3rd -4th last 3-4 reps felt like a 1rep max, 5th set EVERY f**kin' rep felt like a 1 rep max.

But whatever...I'm cool about not being able to walk without pain.

Smolov Base Meso Week 1: Day 2
Time to complete: Just over 1 hr

Warmup -
30 mins dog walk
BB Complex as written before.
Some hip flexor and spine stretches.

1) Squat: 5x7
Weight    Reps    Sets
60kg         5          1
100kg       3          1
140kg       1          1
165kg       7          5   - With Belt and Shoes

Some light walking and stretches at end.

Dont think the bench training yesterday affected my squating too much, but prob will rest completely tommorow, that or do a light day.

Later y'all

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