Wednesday 19 January 2011

19/01/11 - Bench Day

Back is still hurting, so no overhead pressing.
Might Start alternating grip each day for the warmups.

4 Weeks Out: BW = 110kg (adding starchy carbs, to slow my weight loss, otherwise I'll be back a 100kg)

1) Bench Medium Grip
Weight     Reps     Sets
60kg          5           1
80kg          3           1
100kg        1           1
120kg        1           1
135kg        F           2 - Still pretty wiped from last bench and squat day, this day might be stuck as my "Light" day.
102.5kg    8            1
82.5kg     12           1
Close-Grip (index on shiny part) flush/pump set
62.5kg     15           1

2) Bench Shrugs 2x8-10 (got the idea from Paul Kelso)
Weight     Reps     Sets
100kg       10          2
a very awkward exercise, but I can see the value in it.

3) Plate Side Raises (no db's) 2-3x8-10
Weight     Reps     Sets
5kgX2       11         1
10kgX2     10         1  

The X2 indicates a plate in either hand. 

Band stretches.

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