Wednesday 5 January 2011

05/01/11 - A different direction

Decided to go a different route after reading how Tom Martin (ie 350kg Deadlifter) trains, namely high frequency, and insanely high intensity.

But following this train of thought I will plan the next 5-6 weeks using the reactive training system....blah blah blah...and so on....see ya at the meet.

Weeks will consist of two to three volume weeks, 1 or none transitional block week with 1-2 weeks of realisation block (namely high intensity, mock meets, comp lifts only)

Volume Block Week 1: 
Notes - Still very tired from last training session.

1) Comp Bench (no pause) : 3 @9 RPE
Weight    Reps    Sets    RPE
110kg       3          1        8.5
115kg       3          1        9.5
115kg       2          1        9
~ 5% fatigue stop, think I went too heavy on this but whatever.

 2) Miltary Press : 3 @9 RPE
Weight    Reps    Sets    RPE
70kg         3          1        8.5
75kg         3          1        9.5
70kg         3          1         9  - 5% Fatigue stop  

3) Dips  3-4x8-10
BW only  8/8/6

4) Monster Mini Band assisted pullups 1-2xMax
reps 6/4

Condtitioning - Concept Rower 1000mtrs : steady pace ~ 6-7mins (didn't really pay attention)

Pre/Rehab - Band stretches & Pulls.

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