Monday 30 May 2011

30/05/11 - Monday - Week 2

1) Squat 5x5
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           lots       lots
60             5          1
85             5          1
110           5          1
130           5          1
150           5          1 -  added belt
170           5          1 - added wrist wraps

2) Bench Paused, med grip
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
75             5          1
90             5          1
105           5          1
120           5          1 - added wrist wraps

3) Row medium grip
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
75             5          1
90             5          1
105           5          1
120           5          1
(will need to re-adjust the weight as, struggled with last set.)

Sunday 29 May 2011

27/05/11 - Fretag

1) Squat
Weight    Reps    Sets
80             5          1
105           5          1
125           5          1 
145           5          1   - added belt, lower back is fryied from deadlifts
170           3          1
125           8          1

2) Bench (med grip, paused)
Weight    Reps    Sets
60              5         1
70              5         1
90              5         1
100            5         1
120            3         1
90              9         1

3) BB Row (med grip)
Weight    Reps    Sets
60              5         1
70              5         1
90              5         1
100            5         1
120            3         1
90              8         1
4) Weighted Dips
Weight    Reps    Sets
BW           8          1
5               8          1
10             8          1

5) Bb Curls
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           8           1
40             8          1
50             8          1        

6) Rope pushdowns 3x8
7) Some calf raises worked up to whole stack

Thursday 26 May 2011

25/05/11 - Wed

1) Squat (light) no belt
Weight    Reps    Sets
80             5          1
105           5          1
125           5          2  

2) Miltary Press (strict) no belt
Weight    Reps    Sets
45             5          1
55             5          1
65             5          1 - used wrist wraps for the last two sets
75             5          1 

3) Deadlift (no belt)
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             6          1
100           1          1
140           5          1
160           5          1
190           5          1
215           5          1  - deweighted every rep for this one

- Stretch and foam roll.

Monday 23 May 2011

23/05/11 - Monday, 1st week of Starr's 5x5

1) Squat (no belt)
Weight   Reps    Sets
60            5         1
85            5         1
105          5         1
125          5         1
145          5         1
165          5         1

2) Bench Press (Paused), Medium grip
Weight   Reps    Sets
60            5         1
70            5         1
90            5         1
100          5         1
117.5       5         1

3) BB Row (pendley)
Weight   Reps    Sets
60            5         1
80            5         1
100          5         1
110          5         1
120          5         1

4) Straight-leg decline weighted situps
Weight   Reps    Sets
BW         20        1
5             10        1
10            8         1

5) Reverse-hyper, bw only 8/5 - couldnt really be bothered to do these.


Saturday 21 May 2011

21/05/11 - Press

1) Strict Press 3x7
Weight    Reps    Sets
20             5          1
30             4          1
40             4          1
50             3          1
65             2          1
75             1          1 
65             7          3

2) Chinup 5x7
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bw            7          1
2.5            7          1
5               7          1
2.5            6          1
bw            7          1 - last set done with an overgrip.

3) Dips
bw + 5kg 1x12reps

4) BB Curl 5x10
Weight    Reps    Sets
20            10         1
30            10         1
35            10         1
42.5         10         1
30            10         1

5) Neck
Back (neck harness) 12.5 kg x 20 reps
Front (plate on head) 12.5 kg x 20 reps

Wednesday 18 May 2011

17/05/11 - Tuesday

1) Bench (grip = pinkies on ring ~ medium) 5x5
Weight      Reps     Sets
60               5           1
80               5           1
100             5           1
110             5           1
125             5           1

2) Inverted bodyweight rows - 14 reps (bw = 118kg)

3) Incline bb press 1x12-15;1x try to get half of previous number of reps, for future annotation as = 50%)
Weight      Reps     Sets
80              13          1
80               3           1

the second set is done ~1 minute later, did this with squats the other day..very hard

4) BB Curl 1x10-15; 50%
Weight      Reps     Sets
40               14         1
40               5.5        1

Monday 16 May 2011

16/05/11 - Monday

1) Squat
worked up to 180kg x 5 reps

Back off set
140kg x 10 reps, rested one minute and did 140kg x 5 reps

140kg x10
rested one min
140kg x 5

3) Neck
Front = 11.125kg x20
Back = 11.125kg x20

4) Sprints (not all out)
3 x 40 yrds (20 run then sprint back)

Saturday 14 May 2011

14/05/11 - Sat - OHP, start of mass gain program

Basing my next 6 weeks on a mass gain program "Mass15" created by Paul Carter (, found on his excellent blog. 

Bodyweight = 118kg (bf ~18%)

1) BB Overhead Press (strict standing)
Weight    Reps   Sets
35             5         1
45             4         1
55             3         1
62.5          2         1
72.5          1         1
62.5         14        1 - had maybe one rep left, est. 1rep max = 92 kg

 2) Chinups 5x5
Weight    Reps   Sets
BW           5        1
5               5        1
10             5        1
12.5          5        1
5               5        1 - did this last one with an overgrip

3) Dips
BW 1x12reps

4) BB Curls 5x10 (strict)
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bar           10       1
30            10       1
35            10       1
40            10       1
35            10       1

5) Neck
Back (harness) - 10kg x 20reps
Front (plate on head) - 10kg x 20reps

09/05/11 - Monday

1) Front squat
worked up to mod heavy 120kg x 3 reps

2) Comp grip pause bench
Weight    Reps     Sets
85             3           1
115           3           1
85             3           1
115           3           1
85             3           1
115           3           1

3) 4 board cg bp
top weight 130kg x 3 reps

Circuit next three exercises
4a) Pullups bodyweight only - 5/4/6
4b) Side Plate Raises - 5kg x 20/ 10kg x 10/ 15kg x 7  (weight is per arm)
4c) Reverse Curls - Bar x 10/ 30kg x 9/ 40kg x 6

5) Light floor deadlifts
top set = 180kg x 3reps


Sunday 8 May 2011

08/05/11 - Sunday

1) Squat, raw beltless
top weight = 160kg,
Stopped here as form went abit, and slowed down.

2) Overhead press
No leg drive = 80x3
slight leg drive = 90x1 (failed on 100kg)

Saturday 7 May 2011

07/05/11 - Sat - 145kg bench, new pb

Workout 1:
Time: 1300

1) Bench press medium grip (pinkies on the ring).
Trained with no psych at all, no wraps either.

Hit a all time best in the bench, 145kg x 1 (not all out, prob had 5kg left)

Total training time from warmup to last set ~20 mins.
Tried new technique, where I forcebly contract the traps, scapular and lats. Throughtout the lift, really increased stability and power.

Workout 2:
Time: 1900
1) Squat: Raw (no belt/wraps etc or psych)
new raw pb 180kg x1 (some power left, but form went ugly so stopped here)

2) Close grip bench (index on shiny ~ 17" apart)
Worked up to a heavy 130kg (raw, no psych)

Feel good but prob should have not done the second bench workout...whatever.

3) Pullups bodyweight only, 5/5/3

Wednesday 4 May 2011

04/05/11 - Deload week

Change of plans, because of very little money I won't be going to this meet, but will deload this week and start training for a comp closer to home in sept.

I will also push my bodyweight up to ~300lbs or more, and get a larger squat suit and bp shirt.

Going by how last couple of weeks went I fully expect to deadlift 300kg soon.