Tuesday 7 June 2011

06/06/11 - Monday - Week 3

I haven't been including this but on the offdays I have been doing p/rehab and GPP (mainly low intensity fast dogwalks over hills).  Seems to be helping the healling

1) Squat 5x5; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bar           10       2
60             5         1
90             5         1
115           5         1
130           5         1 - up to here I was using an overgrip, ala Ripptoe, as I have got tendonitis in my r.elbow
155           5         1 - added belt,
175           5         1 
140          10        1 - no belt

2) Bench Press 3x5; 3x3; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
80             5         1
100           5         1
120           3         1
130           3         1
132.5        3         1  - New bp...I think
110           9         1

3) Deadlift 3x5; 3x1; 1x8-10 (yeah I know I did this on Friday...thinking I might deadlift three times a week, but with different variations...)
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
100           5         1
140           5         1
180           1         1
220           1         1 - added belt
240           1         1 - added talc, would of stopped here, but felt quite strong
250           1         1 - 'nay problem
260           1         1 - gym personal best, and matches best meet lift, prob close to 300kg in comp now
220           1         1 - was going to rep this but couldn't be bothered after 1st rep

Stretched and foam rolled.

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