Wednesday 22 June 2011

Training - Wed (Light/Med) - 22/06/11

Using a thick bar to train the grip more and restrict the weight that can be used.

Thick bar used in axel work, the weight is not included below.  Bar weight is 8.2kg

1) Axel Clean and Press (strict press) 5 rep max  (cleaned every rep)
Weight   Reps   Sets
20            7         1
40            5         1
60            5         1
70            5         1 (around 78-79kg, not too bad considering trained yesterday)   

2) Squats
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
100          5         1
140          5         1
140          5         1

Weight   Reps   Sets
40            8         1
80            8         1
100          8         1 - grip is sh*t

4) TB Curls
Weight   Reps   Sets
10            10       1
20            10       1
30            10       1

Training - Tuesday - Light - 21/06/11

1) Neck work
Back - 15kg x20reps
Front - 15kg x20reps

2) Dips 4x8
Weight   Reps   Sets
Bw           8         1
5              8         1
10            8         1
15            8         1 - not going too heavy for a few weeks until adapted to the addtional day

3a) Pullups (alt with seated calves)
Bw - 5/5/5/5

3b) Seated Calves
25kg - 30reps x1
20kg - 70reps done in 3 sets

4) Standing Calf raises
Weight   Reps   Sets
95            10       1
102.5       10       1
110          10       1
117.5       10       1
125           8        1
132.5       10       1
140           8        1 - excuse the retard weight increases, this is what is written on the plate stack.

Training - Monday - Heavy - 20/6/11

Ha... f**kin' great start to this session, managed to drop a f**kin' 20kg plate on my right foot.

Decided to rush the squats while the adrenaline remained high, just incase that the pain might prevent my squatting.

1) Squat
Weight   Reps   Sets
60             5        1
100           5        1
140           5        1
185           5        1 - with a belt
150          10       1

2) Bench press medium grip
Weight   Reps   Sets
60             5        1
80             5        1
100           5        1
120           5        1
132.5        4        1  - paused only 1st rep, drained from squat/ and crushed foot
120           7        1

3) Deadlift 3x5; 3x3; 1x8-10
Yeah I kinda doubt that I have broken anything.
Weight   Reps   Sets
60             5        1
100           5        1
140           5        1
180           3        1
210           3        1 - added belt
230           3        1
250           3        1 - did this rest pause style, with no more than 10 sec rest, btw collapsed after this.
180           8        1    

Training - Friday Medium Day 17-06-11

Decided to leave out the light day this week, as I was wrecked from Mondays training.

Guts have been playing up today, imodium to the rescue....

Started trying a new method of organising my diet, to wit, backloading carbs, as written by John Kiefer
 in this article

He has also got a site that worth visiting, has alot of interesting articles (
Started this method of eating mainly from the results acheived by Brian Carroll (Elite level powerlifter).


1) Squats
Weight   Reps   Sets
60             5        1
100           4        1
120           5        1
140           5        1
160           3        1 - belt added
185           3        1
150           8        1 - no belt

2) Inclines medium grip 5x5;1x8-10
Weight   Reps   Sets
Bar            5        1
40             5        1
60             5        1
80             5        1
105           3        1 - misjudged the weight jump here
100           5        1
85            10       1

3) BB Shrugs 5x5;1x8-10
Weight   Reps   Sets
60             5        1
100           5        1
140           5        1
180           5        1
200           5        1
160          10       1

4) Dips 3x5;3x3;1x8-10
Weight   Reps   Sets
BW          5         1 - bodyweight is ~121-123kg at the moment
5              5         1
10            5         1
20            3         1
30            3         1
35            3         1
15           10        1

5) BB curls
Weight   Reps   Sets
Bar          10       1
30           10       1
40           10       1

6) Calves
Seated - 25kg - 100 reps done in 5 sets (hate this ex. btw, hurts far too much)

7) Standing calf raises 6-10reps
Weight   Reps   Sets
95           10        1
102.5      10        1
110          9         1

f**king hell, this session took over 3 hours, without pausing.

So will have to start including a 4th day, as written by Bill Starr. On tuesday will do neck, calves, dips and pullups.

Monday 13 June 2011

Monday 13/06/11 - 150kg bench pb

1) Squat
Weight   Reps   Sets
Bar          ?        shit loads
60            6         1
100          5         1
120          5         1
140          5         1
160          5         1 - added belt
180          5         1
145         10        1 - removed belt

2) Bench med grip
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
80            5         1
100          5         1
120          1         1
130          1         1
140          1         1
150          1         1 - touch and go, new pb
120          7         1          

3) Deadlift
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
100          5         1
140          5         1
180          5         1
220          5         1 - added belt
240          3         1

Friday 10/06/11

1) Squat
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
90            5         1
115          5         1
130          5         1
155          3         1 - added belt
180          3         1
145          8         1 - no belt

2) Inclines 3x5; 3x1; 1x8-10
Weight   Reps   Sets
40            5         1
60            5         1
80            5         1
100          1         1
110          1         1
115          1         1
85            8         1

3) BB Shrugs
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
80            5         1
100          5         1
120          5         1
140          5         1
160          5         1
180          5         1
140         10        1

4) Pullups bodyweight only - 10/5

btw bw is now ~120-122kg  

Thursday 9 June 2011

08/06/11 Wednesday and feeling sh*t

1) Strict Press 5x5; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps    Sets   
Bar             9        1
40              5         1
50              5         1
60              5         1
70              5         1
80              5         1 - new pr
70              4         1 - was going for 10 or so but felt like shit so stopped.

would have done squats and SLDL, but  been feeling like hell for most of the day, tunnel vision, nausea, headaches etc

In retro I think it was due to lack of sleep and borderline hypoglycemia.

But whatever new personal best on press (with wrist wraps only) even though felt ill. 

Tuesday 7 June 2011

06/06/11 - Monday - Week 3

I haven't been including this but on the offdays I have been doing p/rehab and GPP (mainly low intensity fast dogwalks over hills).  Seems to be helping the healling

1) Squat 5x5; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bar           10       2
60             5         1
90             5         1
115           5         1
130           5         1 - up to here I was using an overgrip, ala Ripptoe, as I have got tendonitis in my r.elbow
155           5         1 - added belt,
175           5         1 
140          10        1 - no belt

2) Bench Press 3x5; 3x3; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
80             5         1
100           5         1
120           3         1
130           3         1
132.5        3         1  - New bp...I think
110           9         1

3) Deadlift 3x5; 3x1; 1x8-10 (yeah I know I did this on Friday...thinking I might deadlift three times a week, but with different variations...)
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
100           5         1
140           5         1
180           1         1
220           1         1 - added belt
240           1         1 - added talc, would of stopped here, but felt quite strong
250           1         1 - 'nay problem
260           1         1 - gym personal best, and matches best meet lift, prob close to 300kg in comp now
220           1         1 - was going to rep this but couldn't be bothered after 1st rep

Stretched and foam rolled.

03/06/11 - Friday -

Incase you're thinking I have deviated fully from the madcow "Starr" 5x5, you are correct, but I have based my routine from the actual articles written by Bill Starr.
Quite a few of them can be found here -
(looks like a back up of the old Tight tan slacks of Denzo Ban)

All my lifts, barring squats will have the reps and sets alternated each week.

1) Squat 3x5; 2x3; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bar           10        4 - knees stiff
85             5          1
110           5          1
130           5          1
150           3          1 - added belt
175           3          1
130          10         1 - no belt

2) Incline BP 3x5; 3x3; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
40              5        1
60              5        1
80              5        1
90              3        1
100            3        1
105            3        1
80             10       1

3) Deadlift  3x5; 3x3; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
60              5        1
100            5        1
140            5        1
180            3        1
220            3        1 - added belt, could of gone further but decided to stop as lower back felt a little off
160           10       1 - no belt

4) Dips 5x5; 1x8-10
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bw            5         1
5               5         1
10             5         1
15             5         1
20             5         1
25             5         1 - Heat was affecting me a bit, lost count of the sets
15             8         1

5)  Chins
2 sets of rope/towel pull ups 5/4 reps
2 sets of normal pullups 5/4 reps

Standing calf raise (done while resting from towel pullups)
147.5 kg(whole stack) 1set =14, 2nd =8


Wednesday 1 June 2011

1/6/11 - wed - light day

1) Power clean (once) then press (strict) : 3x5; 3x1; 1x8-10
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            5         1
65            5         1
70            5         1
80            1         1
85            1         1
90            1         1 - new pr, not too difficult
95            1         1 - push pressed, cleaned it incorrectly so messed up press
70            8         1

2) Front Squat
Weight   Reps   Sets
60            3         1
80            3         1
100          3         1
120          3         1 - added a belt, this set messed up my right elbow

Weight   Reps   Sets
70             8        1
100           8        1
140           8        1  - felt far harder than they should have, stopped here