Tuesday 12 April 2011

11/04/11 - ME Lower body & 13/04/11 - ME upper

In hindsight I should have had a RE/Deload session, as still recovering from squat workout on friday

1) Zercher Squat - bar set below knees
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
100           3         1
120           1         1
130           1         1
140           F         1 - couldn't stop the damn bar slipping out of grip

as no where near max effort decided to work up in rack deadlift

2) Rack DL - just below knees
Weight    Reps   Sets
140           3         1
180           3         1  - added belt - lower back is fucked
220           1         1
240           1         1
250           F         1 - couldn't break it from pins
140          12        1 - wanted to get some blood to lower back after this shit session

3) GHR 30 total reps
increased range of motion done in 6 sets of 5reps

4) Step-ups 3x10/leg
Bw x 20
bar x 20
40 x 20

5) upper back raises min band around neck, works upper erectors 3x10

6) Weighted decline straight leg situps (plate behind neck)
bw x 10
10kg x10
20kg x7

13/04/11 - ME upper (bw = 110kg)
1) FP - 130kg (med grip)
2) shirt bp - 160x1
3) pullups 6x5
4)tri bb ext 4x10
5) seated plate powerclean 4x15
supersetted with
6) Reverse curl 3x10

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