Monday 4 April 2011

01/04/11 & 03/04/11 - DE Days

Friday - DE SQ/DL

1) Squat ~60% to box 1" or so below parallel, with belt and briefs
Weight = 155kg for 10x2

2) Deadlift ~60%
Weight = 170kg for 10x1

3) Reverse Hyper4x10 with increased resistance

4) Side bends 3x10

5) hanging bent-leg knee raise 3x10

Sunday - DE Bp

1) BP 8x3 @85kg

2) BP pinkies on ring grip
Weight    Reps    Sets
100kg       2          1
115kg       1          1

3) 4 Board Press 3x3
Weight    Reps    Sets
115kg       3          1
125kg       3          1
140kg       4          1

4) Ring Pressups Feet elevated 5x10 -heavier than last week

5) Machine Rows 5x10 heavier than last week

6) Tricep pushdowns straight bar 4x12 - heavier than last week

7) BB curls 3x10

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