Saturday, 30 April 2011

30/04/11 - Saturday ME lower body day

This is the last heavy squat/deadlift workout, exactly two weeks out.

Got my bodyweight up to 116kg, should hit 118-120kg for the comp.
Think the suit is a bit too small for me.

1) Full gear Squat ME
Weight     Reps     Sets
Bar            10         2
60              5          1
100            3          1 - feeling very strong. 
140            3          1 - suit on, straps down, belt on.
180            3          1
220            3          1 - knee wraps from now on
240            F          1 - straps up, and got pitched forwards.
240            1          1 - easy, just needed to focus on pushing back.
250            1          1 - pb, slow but not all out.

Think I need to put the straps up sooner in the warmup. Otherwise I will bomb this meet coming up.

2) Wide comp grip bp (paused) 5 reps workup to a mod hard set
Weight     Reps     Sets
60              5           2
80              5           1
100            5           1
120            5           1 - added wrist wraps for this.

3) ME Rack deadlift, just below knees, at sticking point (3 weeks ago, was unable to break 250 off the pins)
Weight     Reps     Sets
60              5           1
100            3           1
140            3           1
180            3           1 - added belt
220            3           1
240            3           1
260            3           1
270            3           1 - new rep pb
280            1           1
290            1           1 - new pb  

Feeling very good for the comp. As long as I dont bomb on the squat, should be good for a 680-700kg total.

26/04/11 - Tuesday

1) Raw Squat (no belt)
Weight     Reps     Sets
60             5/3         2
100            3           1
130            3           1
170            3           1 - Never gone this heavy with no belt.            
130            3           1
170            3           1  

2) Reverse grip BP with pause 3-4 sets x 5 - very light, beat up from yesterday
Weight     Reps     Sets
70              6           1
80              5           1
70              5           1

3) 2" Deficit DL no belt
Weight     Reps     Sets
60              3           1
100            3           1
140            2           1
180            1           1
220            1           1 - hook grip
210            1           1 

Think I need to change the training max for the deadlift. Prob base it off a beltless max ~260

4) Grip - plate pinch hammer curls
2 5kilo plates smooth parts on the outside
left = 9, right =10

5) Reverse hyper - bw only 1x10

Monday, 25 April 2011

25/04/11 - Mandag - BP RM and light sq & dl

Foam roller warm up, I have gained 4-5kg in under two weeks so far.

How did I do it?.......6-10 pints of whole milk aday, and doubling my food intake (lots of carbs, eggs, meat etc). Oh and It is mostly muscle (well....water..)

Any way heres today:-

1) Raw Hi-bar squats (light, no belt)
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           ?          lots
60            5          1
100          3          1
120          3          1
140          3          1
120          3          1

2) Raw Pause Comp style bench
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           ?          1
40            5          1
60            3          1  
80            3          1
110          3          1
80            3          1
110          3          1

3) 4 board very close grip bench (proper 4 board height ie 6" )
Weight    Reps    Sets
60              7         1
80              7         1
100            7         1
120            7         1

4) Pullups
Bodyweight only (115kg)
1st set set = 6 reps
 2nd-7th set = 5 reps

For the last 5 sets did band face pulls for 15-20 reps, straight after pullups.

5) Deadlift (no belt, overhand grip but not hook grip)
Weight    Reps    Sets
160           3         1
180           3         1
160           3         1

6) Warm down-
loosing deadlift (ie fully rounded back), 1x15 bar only

foam roller for all, and band stretches for upperbody.

Friday, 22 April 2011

22/04/11 - Fredag : ME Squat, Straps down, Chocks away...

Yep, two lower body max effort workouts in a week.
Back still a little tired, but my physio helped my back a treat on Wednesday, coupled with the light squat and dead workout, I feel pretty strong today.

Tried an experiment to see if I have my belt one notch looser to see if that helps.
Warmup - foam roller, bar only squats

1) ME Squat, Straps down
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1 - raw
100           3          1 - raw
140           3          1 - added suit bottoms and belt , no wraps
180           3          1
200           2          1 - old loose knee wraps
220           1          1
230           1          1 - changed knee wraps to comp ones, but still put on loose
240           1          1 - Felt good, also got it to depth, alot easier than last time with the straps up.

should be good for a squat of 260kg, maybe 270kg if I'm feeling greedy.

2) Reverse-grip Bench 3-4x5reps, wide grip, paused
Weight    Reps    Sets
70             5          1
80             5          1  - added wrist wraps
90             5          1
100           5          1 
cause of the stupid grip, I had to have lift offs for the last two, but very good exercise to teach correct form, and removes alot of stress away from the shoulders and on to the triceps.

3) DE Deadlifts (no belt) decided to try draping a super-mini band over the middle of the bar and standing on it, must of increased the lockout weight by at least 40-50kg

I changed the weight each set from 180 to 200 and back for 8 sets of 1 rep
Weight    Reps    Sets
180           1          4
200           1          4 - very hard to lockout.

4) Grip work - Captain of crush
warmup #1 - right = 10 ; left = 10
#2 - right = 4 ; left = 4  both assisted slightly
#3 negative hold for time - right 15secs ; left 22 secs
#1 - right = 20 ; left = 20

5) Foam roller and band stretches.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

20/04/11 - Wednesday...duh

Decided to deviate slightly from the traditional westside barbell template, by adding a blend of eastern high frequency training.  To wit, what Jack Reape wrote about in the article "Somewhere beteen Moscow and Columbus".

This is so I can work my technique more while still utalising the WSB training protocols.

Fasted (ie morning weight) 112kg (ie a 2kg gain in a week). Shirt alot harder to get on.

20/04/11 - Wed - BP ME
1) Beltless light Squat - supersetting 110kg and 130kg for 3 reps each
3 sets done
(no belt, completly raw)

2) Shirted Bench - with pause
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
60             3          1
80             3          1
100           1          1
120           1          1 
140           1          1 - put on shirt
160           1          1 - easy
165           1          1 - even better, pulled the bar in tight, no drift
170           F          1 - ditched towards stomach at bottom, and lost it halfway up
160           1          1 - done less than 30 secs after last set, with a pause, very hard, let it driffed out of proper bar path. Had to muscle it up.

3) Pullups supersetted with band face-pulls (done for 12-15 reps)
Bw only, 6 sets of 5 reps (bw ~ 113)

4) Beltless light Deadlift (supersetting 160kg with 190kg for 3 reps each)
3 sets, trying different stances

Lots of foam rolling and band stretching for 20 mins.

Monday, 18 April 2011

18/04/11 - Mon

Got some green bands the other day and have been dying to try them out.
So will do reverse band deads tonight and reverse band bench on wed.

I set the bands so they would deweight fully to just below knees. Prob took 20-30kg off at the bottom.

1) Equipped squat - just to work technique
Weight    Reps   Sets
140           2         1   - straps down, no belt, no wraps
180           2         1  - all gear
200           1         1  - lost balance on second rep, decided to stop here as right arm's tendonitus was starting to flair up.

2) Reverse-band deadlift

Decided to experiment with different stances, (1) Very close (heels about 3" apart) (2) Previous Comp stance (feet just inside nurling) (3) Old comp stance ( feet disected by end of nurling). For each set done for a tripple I varied the stance for each rep.

Weight    Reps   Sets
60             3         1
100           3         1
140           3         1
180           3         1
220           3         1 - added belt
240           2         1  - only (1) & (3) Stance, decided to stick to (3)
250           1         1
260           1         1
270           1         1 - hard lockout but strong.
220           5         1 - down set, done within a 2 mins of last set
Not sure if the stance changed anything or if it was because I took a wider grip for each stance.  Thus allowing for easier lockout, as lats where getting in the way with the narrower grip.

3) GHR - 2nd notch up 3xMax reps - 5/5/5

4) Front squat 3x10 - light - 60/70/80

5) Weighted decline straight leg situps 4x10
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bw           10        1
10            10        1
20            10        1
10            10        1

Will be deloading next week, so will prob work up to 240kg squat again on friday, see if it feels faster.

n.b - all weights are in kilos

Sunday, 17 April 2011

17/04/11 - Sunday DE BP

Started bulking my diet up alot since about thursday last, having at least a gallon of whole milk a day, and alot of more food. gained ~1kg so far.

1) DE Bench
Weight   Reps   Sets
85kg        3         6   - had mini bands looped around wrist - to force me to try to grip the bar and tear it apart
85kg        3         2  -  no bands, wrists were getting sore.

Notes = speed has increased dramatically, even with borderline tendonitus.

2) 5 board press 3x3 (side note, this is more like a 4 board for me due to length of arms)
Weight   Reps   Sets
100kg      3         1
140kg      3         1
180kg      1         1  - had help with lift off, failed 2nd rep (bad bar path)
160kg      5         1

3) DB MP 4x10 ramped up each set

4) Rear Delt raises 3x12 increased each set

Friday, 15 April 2011

15/04/11 - Friday - late night training

4 weeks out from competition:

Start - 2010
Finish - 2140

1) Squat
Weight    Reps    Sets
60            5           1
100          3           1
140          1           1
160          1           1 - added belt
180          1           1 - suit with straps down, belt and shoes
210          1           2 - straps up, belt and old knee wraps   

2) Bench press - pinkies on ring 5x4
Weight    Reps    Sets
100           4          5

3) Deadlift (no belt)
Weight    Reps    Sets
170           3          3

Still exhausted from previous workouts,  squats were stupidly slow.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

11/04/11 - ME Lower body & 13/04/11 - ME upper

In hindsight I should have had a RE/Deload session, as still recovering from squat workout on friday

1) Zercher Squat - bar set below knees
Weight    Reps   Sets
60             5         1
100           3         1
120           1         1
130           1         1
140           F         1 - couldn't stop the damn bar slipping out of grip

as no where near max effort decided to work up in rack deadlift

2) Rack DL - just below knees
Weight    Reps   Sets
140           3         1
180           3         1  - added belt - lower back is fucked
220           1         1
240           1         1
250           F         1 - couldn't break it from pins
140          12        1 - wanted to get some blood to lower back after this shit session

3) GHR 30 total reps
increased range of motion done in 6 sets of 5reps

4) Step-ups 3x10/leg
Bw x 20
bar x 20
40 x 20

5) upper back raises min band around neck, works upper erectors 3x10

6) Weighted decline straight leg situps (plate behind neck)
bw x 10
10kg x10
20kg x7

13/04/11 - ME upper (bw = 110kg)
1) FP - 130kg (med grip)
2) shirt bp - 160x1
3) pullups 6x5
4)tri bb ext 4x10
5) seated plate powerclean 4x15
supersetted with
6) Reverse curl 3x10

10/04/11 - DE/RE Bench

N.B - Conditioning - on Sat (09/04/11) Two hour dog walk/run

Sunday -

Will be doing RE method on this day for the next three weeks, to allow for increase in body mass and rest the joints from speed work. This will allow for 2 sessions before comp to go back to DE work.

1) BP (Comp grip)
Weight    Reps   Sets
100kg       10        1
100kg       8          1
100kg       7          1

Will prob use mini bands looped around wrists to aid in teaching me to tear the bar apart.

2) Rack lockouts ~4" ROM 3x3
Weight    Reps   Sets
100kg       3        1
140kg       3        1
180kg       3        1 

3) MP 3x10 - bench press comp grip
Weight    Reps   Sets
Bar           10       1
40            10        1
50            10        1

4) Inverted rows, comp grip, rolling grip 3x10 bodyweight only

5) Tricep pushdowns - straight bar 4x12

6) BB Curls 3x10 30kg straight weight


08/04/11 - DE Lower body

1) Box Squats 65%
Weight      Reps      Sets
170             2            6

2) Suited squat
Weight      Reps      Sets
180             1            1  - straps down, no wraps - stupidly easy
200             1            1  - straps up, no wraps
220             1            1  - straps up and wraps  
240             1            1  - new PR,

3) DE DL
180 x 6x1
220 x 1
240 x F - lifted with hips far to high.

circuit these last 3 exercises

4) reverse hypers 4x10 bodyweight only

5) side bends 3x10 plate held in hand

6) hanging leg raise 3x10 bw only

06/04/11 - ME Upper body - deload

1) RE - Illegal wides 6rep max ( 1-1/2" wider than comp grip)
Weight       Sets      Reps
Bar              1           20
40                1          10
60                1           6
80                1           6
100              1           6
110              1           6

2) Pullups
1st set = 10
3 sets x 5 reps after this

3) 3 way shoulder raise 2x20 with 5 kg

4) Rope Pushdowns 3 sets

Monday, 4 April 2011

04/04/11 - ME lower body

All weights are in kilo's

1) Good Mornings - Resting on pins at waist height, concentric only, with conventional deadlift stance
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           20        1
40             3         1
60             3         1
80             3         1
100           1         1
120           1         1 - belt, notch looser than squat
140           1         1
150           1         1
160           1         1
170           1         1
180           F         1 - broke it off pins a few inches

2) Glute-Ham-Raise 40 total reps bw only
25 reps done with greater ROM than last week
15 reps done with same ROM as last weeks

3) Seated GM 5x10
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bar           10        1
40            10         1
60            10         3

4) Straight leg decline situps, with plate behind head 5x10
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bw           10        1
5              10        1
10            10        1
15            10        1
5              10        1

5) Grippers Captain of Crush - done while resting from situps
#1 right and left - 10 reps
#2 right and left - 6 reps  

01/04/11 & 03/04/11 - DE Days

Friday - DE SQ/DL

1) Squat ~60% to box 1" or so below parallel, with belt and briefs
Weight = 155kg for 10x2

2) Deadlift ~60%
Weight = 170kg for 10x1

3) Reverse Hyper4x10 with increased resistance

4) Side bends 3x10

5) hanging bent-leg knee raise 3x10

Sunday - DE Bp

1) BP 8x3 @85kg

2) BP pinkies on ring grip
Weight    Reps    Sets
100kg       2          1
115kg       1          1

3) 4 Board Press 3x3
Weight    Reps    Sets
115kg       3          1
125kg       3          1
140kg       4          1

4) Ring Pressups Feet elevated 5x10 -heavier than last week

5) Machine Rows 5x10 heavier than last week

6) Tricep pushdowns straight bar 4x12 - heavier than last week

7) BB curls 3x10