Tuesday 29 March 2011

28/03/11 - ME Lower day

1) Rack Pulls - 2-3" below knees, at sticking point
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             6          1
100           3          1
140           3          1
180           2          1
220           1          1
240           1          1 - added a belt here
250           1          1
260           F          1

2) Glute Ham Raises - limited range of motion, will be increased over the weeks

3) Plate in each hand lunges 4x10 (each leg)
Weight    Reps    Sets
Bw           20         1
10x2        20          1
15x2        20          1
10x2        2            1 - right knee went on 2nd rep, unsure why...will be seeing an orthapedic soon

4) Seated GM 4x10,
40kg x 12, stopped here where unable to go heavier due to knee pain.

5) Decline straight leg situps (plate held behind neck)
Weight    Reps    Sets
bw           10         1
5              10         1
10            10         1
5              10         1

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