Tuesday 30 November 2010

New Goal....531...Skiing

Decided to use Wendlers 531 for a few months, due to the fact I have a skiing holiday in early march I need to work on my overall fitness, but keep my strength growing, and the higher reps he suggests will help bring my endurance back up.

This I will proceed with this for 3 months and on the last cycle I will test to see if my lifts have increased.
I have but 14-15 weeks to get fit enough that running with my ski boots and skis (with 2-4 ltrs of water in my bag) while being around 18 stone, won't affect me unduly.

The template I will use is:
Sunday = Overhead Press (been well over two months since I even attempted this ex.)
                Assistance ex (no more than two, though this doesnt include restoration and prevention ie Neck work)
Monday = Deadlift
                 Assistance ex. (two here as well)
                 Conditioning (Hill sprints, build up to 20 at least)

Wednesday = Bench Press
                      (as on dead day)

Friday    =  Squat
                  (as before)

Saturday = Optional - long dog walk with hill sprints etc

I will include the first two days below:
Sunday 28/11/10
Warmup - Shovel snow out of carpark.
1)Oh Press:
Weight      Reps         Sets
30kg           5               1
40kg           5               1
45kg           3               1  - end of warm up
50kg           5               1
60kg           5               1
65kg           7               1

2)Dips bodyweigh only for now = 3 sets of 6/7/6 reps

3)Chinups (superset with dips)   = 3 sets of 5/4/3 reps

No conditioning as have deadlifts tomorrow.

Monday 29/11/10
Warmup - 5mins of rope skipping in the snow.
1) Deadlift
Weight      Reps         Sets
100kg         5               1
120kg         5               1
140kg         3               1  - end of warm up, added belt for working sets
160kg         5               1
190kg         5               1
215kg         5               1 - Could have easily got 8-10 reps, but felt as 1st week back to take it easy, where my lower back is concerned.

2) Good Mornings
Weight      Reps         Sets
60kg          10              3   - Again could have gone for 5 sets but wanted to ease into it.

3) Decline situps, plate behind head
Weight      Reps         Sets
10kg          15               1
5kg             5                1  - dont have enough endurance here yet, prob cause for the past 3 months the only ab work I did was one set at the end of the week.

4) Conditioning
Hill sprints ~ 100mtrs
total number = 3 runs.
will be able to increase this every session hopefully.

n.b thinking it might be woth buying one of those air resrictors that simulate a thinner atmosphere, but Ill use it for the last month of training.

Monday 22 November 2010

Car Crash, And Competitions...

Right where to start off...

I'm writing this now the day after the competition.

A week ago I was involved in a collision that has written her car off and probably mine (still waiting for the call).
I thought all I had was whiplash to the neck and a wrenched trap...how wrong I was...while at the comp we where getting the rack hights for the bench, so I set up and boom, my lower back seized up.

So throughout the comp to combat the cramping, I was taking alot of high dose mineral tablets, and about 2 gallons of fluid.

Lifts were:

Squat (knee wraps and belt) (we were rushed as there was only 5 lifters in our flight)
1st Attempt:  200kg  
2nd Attempt: 220kg
3rd Attempt: 230kg (new pb in or out of comp)...but very hard...hands where cramping after...

All squats where good and deep (and passed)

Bench (wrist wraps only)
1st Attempt:  120kg (grabbed the bar off center)   Pass
2nd Attempt: 140kg Failed to lockout
3rd Attempt:  140kg Passed (had to arch more, forcing me to endure a seized up back while focusing on the press)

1st Attempt:  250kg (easy)
2nd Attempt: 290kg (fail, got it to knees)
3rd Attempt:  290kg (fail, as last one)

With hindsight I should have ignored the bet and gone for 272.5kg for second and definatly get that, then try for 280kg. The end result would have been the same regarding the money, but new comp pbs on all lifts.

Will post the comp video of this sometime in next week or so...

Thursday 11 November 2010

8-10/11/10 - Sqwat n bench


Monday 8/11/10 - Squat

Weight        Reps       Sets
60kg             5             1
60kg             4             1
100kg           3             1
140kg           2             1
180kg           1             1 - added belt, unitard/singlet, and shoes
200kg           1             1 - added wrist and knee wraps (last warmup)
220kg           1             2 - very fast and strong                                   

assistance ex. - on a whim did some lat pulldowns, not sure why
Weight        Reps       Sets
50kg             12            1
55kg             10            1
64kg              6             1


Wednesday 10/11/10 - Bench
Warmup (all wide comp grip)
Weight        Reps       Sets
60kg             5              1
80kg             3              1
100kg           3              1
120kg           1              1                          

Weight        Reps       Sets
140kg            1            6   - I alternated between wide and medium grip to find strongest grip.

Videos for last week and this will be posted shortly....maybe         

05/11/10 - Remember, Remember something about November

05/11/10 : Friday : Dead

         Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished.
However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may watch my Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_SVCIfBR84

Well I think I've reached a breaking point in my deadlift training, 8 or more weeks of constant increments has....well I'll just say the workout was s***.

Weight        Reps       Sets
60kg              5             1
70kg              4             1
80kg              3             1

1) Rack pulls #3rd hole (at sticking point)

Weight        Reps       Sets
60kg              1             1
100kg            1             1
140kg            1             1
180kg            1             1
220kg            1             1
280kg            0             1  - wasn't focusing correctly
280kg            1             1  - was supposed to get three
280kg            0             1  - nothing left

2) Pull from floor
Weight        Reps       Sets
260kg            0             3     - All to knees, but i suspect because of the bent bar I'm using it threw me out of the correct bar path...that or I was just knackered.

Killed the session here...bit pissed off to be honest.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

03/11/10 - Ber..ber..Bench

Wednesday 03/11/10: Bench Press

Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8aNVuXdzc
Weight    Reps    Sets
60kg         5          1
80kg         3          1
100kg       3          1
120kg       1          1  - Flew up, I'll include it in the vid as it was stupidly fast.
140kg       1          5  - added wrist wraps 

Max out, as last set of 140 felt strong I decided to attempt 145kg again.
145kg       X         3 - each set I got the weight higher. But failed to lockout.

Well hopefully on the day I will not have to lift with a bent bar or self lift off (takes alot out of me)

Diagnosis - getting alot stronger.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

01/11/10 - Pinch, Punch, Squat

First Workout of the month, decided to start dress rehersal, as it were, donning unitard etc.

Monday 01/11/10 - SQUAT

Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVdKEgtXn1w

Very hard, lost it on 1st sets 2nd rep, where I had to good morning the damn thing part of the way, 2nd set was far smoother. 

Might experiment next week with tighter wraps, been tieing them with no pre-stretch on the wraps.


Weight     Reps     Sets
60kg           5          2
100kg         3          1
140kg         1          1                                                                                             
180kg         1          1   - Added belt, shoes and unitard (though not in that order)    

215kg         2          2   - added wrist and knee wraps, alot of amonia, and screaming

Then took the dog for a brisk walk, in the pitch black, bloody daylight savings, sun now is set at 1800.

Monday 1 November 2010

Wk 7 Deadlift Day

Not too happy with my technique from the floor, anyone who is reading these pages and has any tips, please feel free to comment below, thanks:

Friday 29/10/10
Rack dl 270kgx3
Pull from floor 250kg

Video link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnzMw4O_55g