Friday 1 July 2011

Friday - Med/Heavy - 01/07/11

1) Squat
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
100           5          1
140           3          1
180           1          1 - added belt
200           1          1
220           1          1 - Right knee hurt as rising from hole, so fell forwards - resulted in a full good morning.
180           1          1 - lost balance on second rep, dropped bar, wrenched shoulders
180           2          1 - could be bothered to do more, knees were in pain

2) Press
Weight    Reps    Sets
40             5          1
60             5          1
80             3          1
90             3          1 - with slight push press on each rep.
70             6          1

3) Deadlift
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
100           5          1
140           5          1
180           3          1
220           3          1 - with belt
240           1          1
260           1          1 - no talc, alot easier than last time
270           1/2       1 - got it to knees, but back didnt have anything left.
200           6          1 - no belt.

4) CG Bench
Weight    Reps    Sets
60            10          1
100          10          1

Will start a 3 day a week full body routine using heavy/light/medium routine. Possibly adding one extra day when needed, and use this method leading up to the meet, which is in 3 months.


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