Tuesday 12 July 2011

11/07/11 - Monday

Not too bad a training session, considering the lack of heavy training and consistency in the last few weeks.

Also I decided to enlist the help of Mike Tuchscherer via his Total Package Coaching, for the next 3 months leading up to the competition. 
I made this choice because of my recent lack of focus and the fact that how often can you get a world renowned elite lifter to coach you?

I will be continuing with my own training for a week or two until this program initiates.

1) Squat
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
100           5          1
140           5          1
160           5          1   - added belt
190           5          1  - quite hard, felt detrained

Right knee started to messup again, patella tendon acting up again.

2) Bench
Weight    Reps    Sets
60             5          1
80             5          1
100           5          1
120           1          1
130           1          1
140           1          1 - pretty wiped by here, plus both pecs are very stiff and tight, this was not max effort but decided to stop here
100           8          1 - could not bothered to continue.

3) Pullups
bw = 118-119kg
5/6/2(right wrist went on last set)

No deadlifts tonight, felt drained and with injured knee, decided to stop here and dead later in week. 

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