Thursday 16 December 2010

Week 2: Bench and Squat 3x3

Wednesday - 08/12/10

Weight      Reps      Sets
90kg           3            1
105kg         3            1 
117.5kg      6            1

CG (index on shiny bit)
Weight      Reps      Sets
85kg          10           1
80kg           8            1
75kg          10           1
70kg          10           1
65kg          10           1

Cable rows
5x10 increase weight on each set


Friday - 10/12/10

1) Squat
Weight      Reps      Sets
60kg            5           1
80kg            4           1
100kg          3           1
125kg          3           1  
145kg          3           1  - added belt
165kg          3           1
185kg          5           1 - added wraps

2) Squats 5x10
Weight      Reps      Sets
80kg          10           5

3) 1-leg curl
4 sets of 10 each leg, weights not important, that and I'm bored...

4) Neck harness and plate on forehead lifts
decided to add one set for back and front of neck.

Back = 10kg x 15 reps
Front = 10kg x 12 reps

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Week 2: Press n Dead

Week 3x3

Sunday 5/12/10: Press

Warmup - guess what...snow shovelling...ha not this time, just some rope jumping.

1) Press
Weight    Reps     Sets
30kg         5            1
40kg         5            1
50kg         3            1
55kg         3            1
62.5kg      3            1
70kg         6            1

Next supersetted Dips with Chins
2) Dips
~33 in total

3)  Chins
~25 in tot.

30mins of snow and ice shovelling.

Monday 6/12/10: Dead

1) Deadlift
Weight    Reps     Sets
60kg         5           1
100kg       5           1
130kg       3           1
150kg       3           1
180kg       3           1
200kg       3           1
230kg       3           1

2) Good Mornings
Weight    Reps     Sets
60kg        10          5

3) Decline (plate behind head) Situps
Weight    Reps     Sets
5kg          15          1
5kg          10          1
5kg           7           1

Past two sessions..

Wednesday 01/12/10:  Bench

Warmup- Shovelling snow. 30mins-1hr

1) Bench Press
Weight      Reps     Sets
85kg           5           1
100kg         5           1
110kg         7           1

2) CG Bench 3-5x10reps
Weight      Reps     Sets
80kg           10          1
75kg           10          1
70kg           10          1
65kg           10          1
60kg           10          1

3) Cable Rows
5 sets of 10 - at some weight....who cares...

Conditioning - 1-2 mile hike up very steep hill in the snow, carrying supplies for my G'dad.
n.b. post workout consumed ~ 1/2-1 pt of whiskey (good scotch) with cafferys chasers. (Floated back home)

Friday 03/12/10: Squat

Warmup 1hr of snow shoveling (btw the snow is about a foot and a half deep here)

1) Squat
Weight      Reps     Sets
135kg         5           1
155kg         5           1
175kg         5           1

Only equipment was a belt.

2) Squat (lighter for higher reps)
Weight      Reps     Sets
120kg         10         1
110kg         10         1 - developing a tension headache, caused by and old injury in upper back.
60kg           10         1 - despite massive drop in weight, headache got worse

3) 1 legged curls
Weight      Reps     Sets
25lb            10         2  (both legs)