Saturday 24 March 2012

Week 2: Cycle 2: 19/03/12

Bench Press (wrist wraps only)
130kg x 4
117.5kg x 8
Improved technique after watching the awesome video on said subject by Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps, found here =
Basically, try to break bar on way down and pull/tear bar on way up, gotta say it really helps.
Squat (belt only)
180kg x 6 (pretty sure I had one rep left in me, but it would have been a very slow grinder)
160kg x 8 (could have gone for more but left it)

Finally remembered my ideal squat technique, been trying to sit back too far previously, thus not engaging my quads properly.

For record it is what Jim Wendler wrote in his book, sit back and knees out... That's all.
Press (belt and wrist wraps on work sets)
80kg x 5 (lost grove on last rep, prob could have got 6)
72.5kg x 10 (easy)

230kg x 4 (dead-stopped each rep, really screwed up my form)
210kg x 10 ( touch and go, had one rep left in me)
Will revert to doing touch and go for my work sets from now on.
And in case you're wondering some of the strongest deadlifts touch and go reps, people such as Benny Magnusson, Travis Ortymayer, Jim Wendler, Vince Urbank (when he does reps) and I'm sure there are plenty others.

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