Monday 7 February 2011

07/02/11 - Last session

Monday: 07/02/11

Bench medium grip (34" between pinkies) all paused
Weight      Reps      Sets
40kg           5            1
60kg           4            1
80kg           3            1
100kg         3            1
120kg         3            1 - at 9 RPE
125kg         3            1 - at a 10 RPE, which puts my 1rm at about ~137.5-140kg
100kg         9            1

Pullups/Chins/Pullups - 5/5/2

Stopped here.

Feel stronger in the bench than I have for a while, no squat as left knee is still very sore.

Won't train until the comp.

BTW, didn't eat anything today leading up to the training, but have eaten after ~300-500g of chicken, large pizza (with anchovies), cheescake (~500kcal), squid (one), 2 apples, few beers, and will prob have a couple of steak later ~350-500g worth.

 BW = 109kg 

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