Monday 16 April 2012

Guess what I've got......shhhh its a secret....

DIABETES,  yes you read that right today I was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes (type II)....

Ha and I thought the gods fucked me already, born with only one ear to start with, then recently had two wisdom teeth ripped out of my jaw, then following that delight I've been dealling with a very fucked up right foot (infection ->gout, and back to infected) for nearly 4 weeks.

Well fuck it all................

BLAM......metal shell hits the floor, followed by my lifeless corpse.....

HA only fuckin' with ya,

Now I'm going on a keto-diet, see where that takes me.

On the plus side, hit a personal best in the bench today with 132.5kg for 4 reps. @ bw of 117kg